Slide and Glide: The Role of Neuromobilization in Physical Therapy

Therapist helping a woman on a table with neuromobilization by supporting a leg extension using pressure and a yoga band

Neuromobilization is a commonly-utilized approach to address pain, numbness/tingling, and impaired sensation. This specialized technique focuses on the intricate relationship between the nervous system and musculoskeletal structures, offering a unique avenue for relieving discomfort and restoring sensation. In this blog post, we delve into the world of neuromobilization, understanding how Limitless physical therapists harness its potential to bring about transformative relief for their patients.

Understanding Neuromobilization:

Neuromobilization, also known as nerve mobilization or neural mobilization, is a therapeutic approach that targets the nervous system. Unlike traditional physical therapy methods that primarily focus on muscle and joint manipulation, neuromobilization centers on the movement and mobilization of nerves to alleviate pain and sensory disturbances.

The nervous system, comprising a complex network of nerves, plays a pivotal role in transmitting signals between the brain and different parts of the body. When nerves become compressed or irritated, individuals may experience pain, numbness, tingling, or a loss of sensation. Neuromobilization aims to address these issues by gently mobilizing and alternating slack and tension on these nerves to improve their function and reduce symptoms.

woman standing on exercise mat with left arm extended and head tilted over left shoulder using nerve flossing for neuromobilization

Pain Relief through Neuromobilization:

One of the primary objectives of neuromobilization is pain relief. When nerves are constricted or compressed, they can send signals of discomfort to the brain, resulting in pain. Physical therapists skilled in neuromobilization such as those at Limitless employ specific techniques to free up these trapped nerves, thereby alleviating pain.

The Limitless therapist carefully assesses the patient’s symptoms, identifying the specific nerves involved and their points of entrapment. Through controlled and precise movements, they work to release tension, promoting better nerve gliding and reducing the pressure causing pain. 

Addressing Numbness/Tingling and Restoring Sensation:

Numbness and tingling sensations are often indicative of nerve dysfunction. Neuromobilization is particularly effective in addressing these symptoms by promoting optimal nerve function. Through controlled and purposeful movements, therapists can release adhesions and restrictions surrounding nerves, facilitating improved nerve conduction.

Restoring sensation is a crucial aspect of neuromobilization. Patients experiencing numbness or tingling may also face a diminished ability to feel touch, temperature, or pressure. By gently mobilizing and stretching nerves, physical therapists aim to enhance the communication between the nervous system and the affected body parts, gradually restoring normal sensation.

Neuromobilization being performed by woman seated in chair with her head tilted back and her left leg extended with foot flexed

The Therapeutic Process:

Neuromobilization is a highly individualized process that begins with a thorough assessment of the patient’s symptoms, medical history, and functional limitations. The therapist then tailors the treatment plan to address the specific nerve pathways involved.

During sessions, patients may be guided through a series of exercises and stretches designed to target the affected nerves. These movements are carefully monitored to ensure that they remain within the patient’s comfort zone while effectively addressing the underlying issues.

Neuromobilization stands at the center of treatment plans hoping to address pain, numbness/tingling, and sensory disturbances. By understanding and harnessing the intricate relationship between the nervous system and musculoskeletal structures, Limitless physical therapists employing neuromobilization pave the way for transformative relief for their patients. 

If you would like to learn more about neuromobilization and how it might help you, give us a call or fill out the contact form on our website!

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